Current Hire Fees
Regular Users: £8.00 per hour
One Off Users: £10.00 per hour
Registered Charities: Less 10% of above fees
Kitchen Hire has separate additional charges: £12 or £15 depending on hours hired
The WI-FI, staging, amplifiers, facilities and car parking are all included in the hire fees.
Each room has it’s own kitchenette, with kettles and crockery.
All Bookings and enquiries must be made through our Booking Secretary, Dawn Humphries
01722 744859 or emailing
Terms and Conditions Apply.
You can download a booking form and a list of T’s and C’s by clicking on the link below:
Terms and Conditions After Covid July 19th 2021
Our Privacy Policy
Please click on the link below to see our Privacy (Data Protection) Policy
Privacy Policy 08.04.2018
Our Safeguarding Policy
Please click on the link below to see out Safeguarding Policy
Our Caretaker
Mrs. Nickkie Pomfrett, works part time for the Centre. Nickkie does a wonderful job keeping the Centre spick ‘n’ span in her very limited time here and also manages to run events for us like the Summer Fete and tidies the garden and keeps all the users happy. Some task! Users can help please by cleaning up after your activity, sweeping and hoovering if necessary, and taking all your rubbish home with you. Although we are a registered charity, we have to pay commercial rates for our waste disposal and most other things, and as our only income is from the lettings, the Trustees have to watch the expenditure very carefully.
The Trustees
The Trustees and Management Team of Wilton Community Centre are unpaid volunteers and work for the good of the Centre and the local community. Our constitution says we can have up to nine Trustees, but we currently have eight. If any of our users or the public wish to be considered as a Trustee, please ask one of us for details. The Trustees are governed by the laws of England and the Charity Commissioners.
See About Us for photos
- Mr Jason Barnes – Chair
- Mr Doug Stammers – Treasurer
- Mr Ivan Seviour – Property Manager
- Mr Roger Best – Garden Manager
- Mrs Chrissie Musselwhite – Trustee & Minutes
- Mrs Jane Fawcus – Trustee
- Mrs Alexandra Boyd – Trustee
- Mr Jason Forbes – Trustee
- Mr Timothy Croall – Trustee
Trustees and Management meet monthly on the second Monday of the month with the AGM being held in October each year. Users are invited to attend twice a year to discuss any issues with their activity and to talk to the Trustees. Problems at any other time can be relayed to any Trustee, Booking Secretary or Caretaker and we will do our best to solve them for you.
Special Historical Thanks
Since we started the Eco renovation programme, in 2010, there have been many sponsors donors and benefactors who have contributed to the Wilton Community Centre. These include:
- Mr Geoffrey Taylor – (Major Funding of Renovations and Repairs)
- Mayors of Wilton: Cllr Andy Kinsey and Cllr Phil Matthews (Garden)
- Salisbury District Council (Funding for Building Project)
- South West Wiltshire Area Board (Garden and Wi-Fi)
- Community First Village Halls Fund (Building Project)
- Wiltshire Village Halls Association (Endless Help and Advice)
- Past Trustees and Management (Hours of Unpaid Dedication)
- Dr Greenstreet
- Marjorie Whitworth
- The late Jim Rhind-Tutt and Thursday Club, (Sound Systems Summer 2021)
Jim Rhind-Tutt and Nickkie Pomfrett (Dishwasher Dec 2021) - Wilton Town Council and South West Wiltshire Area Board (SWWAB)
(Grants to purchase portable staging 2022 and HM The Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations June 2022) - Nickkie Pomfrett for fundraising craft fair October 2022
- Wiltshire Historical Society for donation on the closure of their group
- The Burnbake Trust for crockery and urns
Information about Wilton
There is a very good website which gives plenty of detail about Wilton Town Council, Wilton the Ancient Capital of Wessex, from its history to present day activities, businesses and leisure.